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My Story

My name is Morgan Fisk. (Formerly Morgan Mitchell) I was raised in Atlanta Geogia, and attended the University of Georgia's Lamar Dodd School of Art.


Like so many other artists I struggled for a purpose after graduation. Without the constant push from instructors and peers art making seemed to lose it's importance, and very slowly as time passed my anxiousness grew to an umbearable level. That has led me to where I am today. Attempting what was said to be impossible by many who claimed to support mysellf and other young fledgeling artists. To BE an artist. 


Reflections of the Gray Havens isn't just a name for my studio. Its a reminder for my purpose. Not only am I working from pure stubbornness to be a part of the growing statistic of artists falling out after school, but a reminder of what keeps me strong.  My faith. Its a constant reminder to me that there is more to the world than the pain and suffering we see in the media today. 

My goal is to bring beauty and light into this existance, and to remind the world of the good. 

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